
General Manager
General Manager

Who are we?

High Tech Corporation (HTC) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is a private sector owned Scientific and Service Company established in 1433h. High Tech Corporation is a national corporation and a leading provider of customized radiation and toxic gases sensing instruments, hazardous and radioactive material detection, and emergency response solution and homeland security.

HT C is an KACARE (King Abdullah City for Atomic and renewable Energy) approved company under License number (1-463-ن م-19).

Our Vision:

To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of our clients,

Our Mission:

We are committed to a continuous program of development of our services and product offerings delivering real-time information on the latest innovative Nuclear, scientific, medical products to our customers.

Specialist activities include radioactive sealed sources related, water analysis and process instruments, life science instrumentation, consumables and accessories, and an extensive range of laboratory equipment for pharmaceutical and industrial research. We aim to offer the highest levels of customer service and satisfaction in all we do.

Technical services:

* Design of installations, including walls, primary and secondary radiation barriers and shields for x-ray equipment, accelerators used in medicine, industries.


Company Address:                                                                     

Main Office: Riyadh

P.O. Box: 14220

Riyadh 11424

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telefax: +966 (11) 486 2510

Web Site: